
Biofeedback is a therapeutic technique intended to help a client to control and manipulate their bodily functions (like heart rate and blood pressure). Biofeedback is based on the belief that a person can utilize the power of the mind to become more aware of what is happening inside the body and can use that awareness to achieve a greater control over their health. During a biofeedback session, the client is connected to sensors that send information about what is happening in the body. This information helps the client to concentrate on trying to make changes in the body, like slowing breathing or relaxing a muscle. Biofeedback is used for relaxation, to alleviate stress and anxiety and for a number of physical conditions (like migraines, high blood pressure, asthma, and chronic pain).

Local experts in Biofeedback

Jeanell Innerarity (She/Her)

Somatic Practitioner


Your body is constantly sending signals to your brain about levels of internal stress and safety. I used HeartMath biofeedback techniques to help you become conscious of the ways your thoughts and emotions influence your physiology, and help you develop skills and strategies to intentionally shift your physiological state, essentially training your body and brain to work together for greater coherence and well-being.

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Stacey Berry (she/her)

Clinical Psychologist


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Jams Markovics (they/them)

Professional Counselor Associate

Professional Counselor Associate; NCC

I use EEG biofeedback as an intervention of neurocounseling, which is a relatively new theoretical framework of psychotherapy that uses neuroscience and brain health to conceptualize and form treatment plans for mental health challenges. EEG biofeedback (or neurofeedback) is a brain-based intervention where the client's brain learns to self-regulate better through receiving information about its own activity in real-time. This process helps the client regulate their nervous system better.

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