Find a therapist in Portland who specializes in working with individuals.
Individual therapy can give you the power to cope with your problems in a healthy way and to feel better about yourself and your life. In therapy, you'll learn about your moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Individual therapy can treat specific mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD or life changes, trust, relationships, stress, career ambitions, insomnia, abuse, or one of many other issues.
Need help finding the right therapist?
Advanced Searchshe/her
Simone Gotter-Nagle
NE Portland - Alberta & SE Portland - Belmont
Grace Bezek
Southeast Portland
Molly Nearman
Kathleen Peters
John's Landing
Amanda Fitzpatrick
Virtual appointments only
Kimberly Dudley
Fort Vancouver
she/ her
Rachel Kendall
Portland, OR