Aaron Buchholz

Aaron Buchholz

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Client Status

not accepting clients



2106 NE 40th Ave.

Portland, 97212

At a Glance


Rate: $135-$180

Provides free initial consultation

Provides telehealth services

Practicing Since: 2007

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Relationship
  • Teen

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • MODA
  • OHP Pacific Source Community Solutions
  • PacificSource
  • Regence Blue Cross/Blue Shield

My Approach to Helping

People usually come to therapy because life isn’t working, they feel stuck, or because they want something to shift. Having a non-judgmental, supportive space to think through what feels wrong can be helpful. We are able to make new meaning when someone listens, helps us focus in on what is important, understands our challenges, and grasps who we really are. We begin to understand our own stories and become able to shed new light on older, outdated narratives. We untangle from the repetitive pain we impose on our selves, family, partners, friends, and begin to take charge of our lives. I help people to understand and change long standing behaviors, recover hope and self-confidence, become more self reflective, work through difficult feelings, come to terms with past losses and traumas, find new independence, and improve relationships with their selves and others.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I work with each of my patients as individually as possible because our culture, race, personal history and unique attributes shape who we are. Every person is different. A successful therapy works best when designed to fit you and your needs. Prior to starting my private practice I worked with a wide diversity of people in a variety of mental health settings including high schools, a suicide hotline, a mobile crisis team, adolescent foster care, a prison facility, and in medical clinics. I also have experience in residential construction/home restoration, as a musician, and a lifelong athlete. These different experiences all inform my approach as a therapist.

Techniques I Use


  • Depth Therapy External link

    I have years of experience utilizing depth therapy to help people address complex and longstanding problems to make positive changes. Depth therapy is a non-pathologizing way to focus our attention, curiosity and active imagination to make meaning of themes, dreams, and in-the-moment associations we have to early life experiences as fundamental aspects influencing us here and now.

  • Relational  External link

    I will remain present and actively available to help my clients develop an understanding of themselves so that they are better able to experience psychological well being through growth fostering relationships.

  • Psychodynamic  External link

    My three years of post-graduate training in psychodynamic oriented psychotherapy (The Psychotherapy Institute, Berkeley) helped me to develop my attention to support my clients to work through unconscious content and make real and lasting changes.

Issues I Treat


  • Men's Issues External link

    Masculinity, emotional vulnerability, anger, self-respect, intimacy, courage, and reason. I offer a space to examine what that might mean in your life.

  • Loss or Grief External link

    I have a lot of experience helping people with grief and past trauma. There is no grief like the grief that does not speak. -Henry Wordsworth

  • Anxiety External link

    I have a lot of experience helping people to successfully cope with mild to severe anxiety. People with anxiety often experience: Restlessness or feeling on edge, difficulty falling or staying asleep, intrusive thoughts, fear and panic, indecisiveness, difficulty concentrating, muscle tension, irritability

  • Depression External link

    Depression can feel both painful and overwhelming. Someone suffering with depression may also feel their experience is misunderstood (or unseen) by others around them. If you feel stuck in your depression it is important for you to seek help.

Contact Aaron

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