My Approach to Helping
I welcome patients to take care of themselves actively during sessions. You might want to do: art, physical therapy, stimming, rolling around on the floor, journaling, laundry, crying, spiritual and/or religious practices, laughing, eating, walking your dog, etc. Of course, I offer ‘traditional’ forms of therapy as well. And - I offer a therapeutic style where sometimes we might just talk in noises, to our animals, waving arms in the air, or understanding the pain of being human by a sigh of resonance. Therapy, trauma work, growth work, healing work, however, you think of this work, can look like so many things! I’m happy to be creative alongside you, and to find a way of doing this work that is unique for you.
More About the People I Treat
If you are coming to me because you are often feeling misunderstood and leave situations thinking, “Ugh, why can’t I just stop interrupting people?” Or, “Wow how long was I dancing in place not even realizing in that very still and stiff environment?” Or, “Dang, I am feeling weird and why can’t I seem to communicate how others can?” Or, “WHY DO FLORESCENT LIGHTS EXIST?!” Or, if any of these experiences have ended in you feeling afraid of being left or abandoned, I got you.