Brian Whitmer

Brian Whitmer

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

I offer individual depth psychotherapy for anyone who is 14 years old and older.

Client Status

accepting clients



3234 NE Wasco Street, Suite E

Portland, 97232

At a Glance


Rate: $170

Provides free initial consultation

Practicing Since: 2009


  • Individual
  • Teen

Insurances Accepted

  • MODA
  • PacificSource

My Approach to Helping

I bring my full personality, my full heart, and my fullest attentional awareness to all that you bring into the room. I care deeply about what you have been through, where your life is moving, and the particulars of how that is showing up in your life in this moment. I have a well developed and reliable capacity to hold your experience in open and curious reflectivity, giving you the room you need to experience and express all that is coming through you. How I am impacted by what is going on is sometimes shared and explored with curiosity and sometimes not. Sometimes silence is what seems most needed and sometimes a reflection or a question is considered between us. As far as approaches I study, I'm deeply interested in Jung and the depth psychology tradition as well as Alan Schore's regulation theory.

Techniques I Use


  • Depth Therapy External link

    I engage in ongoing consultation and training in Depth/Psychodynamic/Analytic/Jungian/Archetypal psychology via Oregon Psychoanalytic Center, Oregon Friends of Jung, and CG Jung Institute of Colorado. I have spent the past 20+ years engaging in Jungian analysis, dream work, meditation and yoga practices.

  • Psychodynamic  External link

    I engage in ongoing consultation and training in Depth/Psychodynamic/Analytic/Jungian/Archetypal psychology via Oregon Psychoanalytic Center, Oregon Friends of Jung, and CG Jung Institute of Colorado. I have spent the past 20+ years engaging in Jungian analysis, dream work, meditation and yoga practices.

  • Relational  External link

    In this area of depth psychotherapy approach I am most influenced by Jung's work Psychology of the Transference.

Issues I Treat

Contact Brian

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