Licensed Professional Counselor
Radical Counseling for Highly Sensitive People. I specialize in helping highly sensitive people integrate their trauma and thrive.
Client Status
Mailing Address: 1327 SE Tacoma St.
Portland, 97202
Rate: $200
Provides free initial consultation
Provides telehealth services
Practicing Since: 2016
Languages: English
Highly Sensitive People (HSP) make up a 15-20% of the population. It's not a disorder or a weakness. In fact it is estimated that 50% of all people in therapy possess this trait, so there is a 50/50 chance right off the bat that you might be an HSP! As an HSP you are meant to do great things. Your trait is here for a reason and your superpowers make you very valuable. Therapy provides the roadmap to understanding yourself and designing your life in order to take advantage of your gifts.
Depth Therapy is based on the psychology of Carl Jung and believes you have a conscious and an unconscious life. The unconscious can be running the show without your knowledge. In this type of therapy I guide you through a process to help you access self awareness and inner wisdom as we gently uncover the parts of you that need conscious healing. We work from the inside out & we always uncover without shame or blame. This is how we start becoming more of who we are & less of who we are not.
Mid Life Crisis! Feeling stuck, disillusioned and purposeless when you are supposed to feel only gratitude sucks. You have no energy, you're crabby all the time, and nothing really matters. It's not just anxiety or depression, it's your life/soul calling you to grow. Midlife gives you the challenge of realigning to a new purpose. The problem is we can't see the new purpose and meaning while the old is still hanging around. I help support and guide this process.
In everyday life anxiety can be a helpful feeling. It can encourage you to finish the work or school assignment, push you to get the oil changed in your car, or help you notice when something important has been forgotten. When anxiety is happening more often then not, is not attached to a specific thing or floats from one thing to another and is causing you distress, it might be time to get some help. Constant anxiety is not a fun way to live and change is possible.
Your Soul is Calling. Soul work is all about empowerment. It’s about deciding to move in a direction that honors what you truly want for yourself, not what your family or society believe is best for you. Our culture has worked hard to have a powerful hold on us and it takes courage to take a look at ourselves and our lives to see if we are leading it, or if others are doing it for us.
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