Lili Micaela

Lili Micaela

Licensed Professional Counselor

LPC Oregon, LMHC Washington

Therapy is a unique way of spending time and can be a bit ... odd. I can help ease some of the vulnerability.

Client Status

accepting clients



At a Glance


Rate: $100-$125

Provides free initial consultation

Practicing Since: 2004

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Group

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket
  • OHP CareOregon/HealthShare

My Ideal Client

Have you searched for a therapist who is older than you? I’m in my 60’s - I’ve got you. Would you be most comfortable with a lesbian therapist? I’ve been out 40 years, am passionate about lesbian relational complexity, and cultural nuances - I see you. How is your relationship with food? I reject diet culture and body shame - let’s gently cultivate Attuned Eating & freedoms for you. Are you ready for a non-traditional ‘Life Review’? Join me for a group meeting series for Elder Lesbians.

My Background and Approach

My formal educational background includes Psychology, Botany, Counseling, and Expressive Arts. I have provided therapy in community clinics, Employee Assistance Program, and private practice. Prioritizing collaboration and empowerment, I individualize sessions to match each client’s unique needs. My expertise fits adult individuals of all ages who have concerns about relationships, life adjustments and changes, grief, trauma, fatigue, shame, anxiety, depression, social justice, life’s meaning, aging, and later life. My commitment is to provide a safe space to assist you in identifying and exploring your concerns, and then, with respect and compassion, accompany you to resolution.

My Values as a Therapist

My psychotherapy practice is called ‘Mended & Stronger'. This name is a reference to kintsugi, the ancient art of mending broken pottery using material containing precious metals. Practiced in Japan, Korea, and China, a vessel repaired in this way was highly valued. Philosophically, I see kintsugi as an honoring of the sundered, the incomplete, the subdued that lives within ourselves and within our world. Our faults, our mistakes, our regrets, our heartache, can be mended, and they need not be so hidden. They can even be treasured. Think of this for yourself: Our wounds and our healing make us stronger, just as the golden joinery on pottery. We can alchemize the gains from past experiences into the beauty that is Mended & Stronger. I identify as an Elder, a Lesbian, a Survivor, a woman, raised working class. I am a white comrade who longs for liberation for all, currently investigating more about my Jewish and my Irish heritages.

Techniques I Use


  • Expressive Art Therapy External link

    This requires no experience, and it is non-threatening: there is never judgement. For example, I might suggest you make a collage and we would use it as a point of discussion to shed light on your issues.

  • Psychodynamic  External link

    This method recognizes the role of your early life experiences and the (often unconscious) impact they continue to have on your life as an adult.

  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy External link

    This would be a concentrated series of sessions about a specific issue, goal, or a hurdle you are grappling with.

Issues I Treat


  • Women's Issues External link

    The over-arching umbrella of my expertise is women’s empowerment. I’ve taught, facilitated, organized, and provided individual therapy around issues such as self-health, sexism, abuse, adverse childhood experiences, recovery, coming out, relationships, sexual pleasure, reclaiming physicality & outdoor adventures, caring for the land, intentional community, & elderhood.

  • Personal Growth External link

    Life is complex, imperfect, unfinished. Share with me your next step. You may have concerns about relationships, life adjustments, grief, trauma, fatigue, anxiety, depression, social justice, life’s meaning, aging, elderhood. My strength lies in supporting you to be more of who you want to be. I believe that all the answers are within you, and I integrate a variety of theories & models to fit your unique needs, comfort level, and sociocultural influences.

  • Racial Identity External link

    This is a vital area of mental health. I identify as white, and therefore have responsibility to educate myself in the dynamics of identity, cultural oppression, systemic barriers, from micro-aggressions to blatant voting gerrymandering. Yes, I am woke, and making progress. If you are white, I will accompany you in social justice growth, including sharing and spending privilege. If you are a person of color, I will do my radical best to support, witness, empathize, and walk beside you.

Contact Lili

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