My Approach to Helping
My main belief is that relationships are how we heal, and that the best growth is seen when we feel safe and curious to do the real work of healing trauma. Healing can only happen against a backdrop of trust. I use talk therapy, but also somatic interventions such as EMDR and other modalities such as NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy) and EFT (Emotionally Focused Therapy) to resolve longstanding issues and break harmful and maladaptive patterns keeping individuals and couples from authentic relating.
As a therapist, I seek to create collaborative, authentic relationships with my clients. I am direct, caring, and not interested in hiding behind fancy terminology or concepts.
My most important skill is my ability to see you and affirm you: where you are, where you came from, and where you are going. I'll develop a roadmap for your work and I'll help keep you on the right track.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
As a queer, non-binary cis-passing white person with chronic illness, I find that I have a lot in common with many of my clients, and I seek to create common ground so we can do our best healing work together as a team. My pronouns are she/her, they/them, and my commitment to supporting trans, non-binary and gender expansive folks is longstanding. I support movements advocating for HAES, and I am aligned with non-traditional relationship styles and sex-positivity movements, and an advocate for the rights of sex workers, women, immigrants, and other minorities.
While I am white, I actively work to create an anti-racist practice and space of healing for BIPOC clients, and am happy to speak with you explicitly about my own racial justice experience.
I work out of a practice located on unceded land of the Cascades, Stl’pulmsh (Cowlitz), Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, Cayuse, Umatilla and Walla Walla.