Robin Carlisle

Robin Carlisle (She/her)

Professional Counselor

Multidisciplinary guidance & support for those ready to recover a deep sense of safety and connection with themselves and others. ​

Client Status

accepting clients


503 516-9115

106 SE 28th Ave

Portland, 97214

At a Glance


Rate: $100-$200

Provides free initial consultation

Provides telehealth services

Practicing Since: 1999

Languages: English


  • Individual
  • Family
  • Group
  • Child
  • Relationship
  • Teen

Insurances Accepted

  • Out of Pocket

Our Ideal Client

You are ready to show up as yourself. Through vulnerability & courage you are finally able to meet yourself, whole. To love, validate and accept yourself, not for who you wish to become, but for who you are already are. Complex and complete. Whatever state you may currently be in, you have a right to safety, security & witnessing. You are worthy of your experience. It is important that you are known. It is my honer to be see you and reflect your story back to you in a deep and powerful way.

My Approach to Helping

As a result of seeking comes illumination. Both the bright and the shadow parts of your being come clearly into your awareness. But fear not, oh capable one, You will never be alone in this work. It is with my strong intuition, great admiration and total belief in your natural abilities, that you are shepherded with unwavering confidence and impeccable care through this powerful work. It is through kindness, compassion and an open curiosity that we able to heed the call of your heart and respond in a way that is in your highest benefit. It is my belief that you have the answers you need. It is my honor to help you find them!

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

20 plus years in counseling. Certified Consulting Hypnotist, National Hypnotist Guild, 2020. Northwest Hypnosis Institute - Portland Oregon, 2019. MHAP Multidisciplinary Healing Arts  Practitioner. Year long Intensive Study under the instruction of Dr. Mindy Nettifee, Doctor of Depth Psychology, with an emphasis in Somatic studies - Individual instruction in the areas of: Eco-Psychology, Somatic Practices, Depth Psychology, Jungian Philosophy, Dream Analysis, Archetypal Studies, Shamanic Rites and Ritual, Extensive exploration in cultivating my personal healing gifts - Heart Medicine, 2018. CBTP, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Practitioner Certification, Institute of Achology, 2016. HMC, HeartMath Facilitator Certification, HeartMath Institute, 2014. Adolescent Treatment Substance Abuse Counselor, 1999-2001. Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Health Educator, 1997-1999.

Techniques I Use


  • Narrative  External link

    To make meaning is human. Like monkeys are the funny ones and birds are the flyers, we are the storyteller. The stories you tell about yourself and others, about the world around you, create the narrative of your life. So what then if some aspect of your life is not working? You tell a different story. I will help you. And whats better? You will come to believe it!

  • Mindfulness-based External link

    Many troubles come from rumination on the past, or our worry about the future-- trying to make sense of the old or prepare for the unknown. We do this all in an attempt to be happy, to enjoy life, to experience freedom, yet where is that joyful life that we seek? It is here, right now, available in the present moment. I can help you access the now and enjoy a state of balance and peace.

  • Hypnotherapy External link

    Hypnosis gets you beyond stories of stuck-ness and delivers you to an inner space of resource. The subconscious speaks in metaphor and symbols in order shift your perspective and find new approaches to over-coming old problems. The psyche only ever intends to keep you safe and comfortable. Hypnotherapy is direct access to your wisdom and intuition--it is my honor to guide you on this journey!

Issues I Treat


  • Self-Esteem External link

    Self-esteem is one of the easiest issues to address through hypnosis. Because it is a fundamental and universal imperative that you love yourself, it's required for survival. Self-esteem tends to be at the core of whatever issue you are struggling with. Once we address the core (self-worth), the crust (problematic thoughts and behaviors) tends to fall away.

  • Relationship / Marriage Issues External link

    Everything in our lives has to do with relationships, or, how we relate. Whether it be to ourselves or others this is our primary lens in viewing the world. Our strongest held patterns are shown to us through intimate relationships. When we experience disruption in our relationships we are given profound opportunities to heal our deepest wounds.

  • Anxiety External link

    Anxiety is a form of habituated negative looping. Hypnosis interrupts the momentum that has been driving the force behind those troubling thoughts and trains the brain to STOP and redirects the thought process towards beneficial patterns of thinking, eventually replacing the old anxiety with new healthy, productive frames of interpretation, resulting in a rich and fulfilling life experience!

  • Depression External link

    Depression can feel like a slippery slope, and one that is hard to get out of because it attacks your motivation and your will, rendering you in a very low vibration, a bottom state some would say, but if you are here you are capable of elevation, if you are seeking help I am here to assure you there is hope, and hypnotherapy can and has shown effective and immediate felt relief.

Contact Robin

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