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Posted: November 06, 2013 by Jeff Guenther
Yeah, it’s a real thing and it affects about 1% of the population. It’s cooler older brother, winter seasonal affective disorder, otherwise knows as SAD, affects about 5% of the population and is much more trendy. It just makes sense that when the clouds come out and the sun goes away people will start to feel blue and depressed. We suffer from a lack of vitamin D and don’t tend to get as much exercise compared to the summer months. Seasonal affective disorder is more accepted in our culture when it’s colder outside.
Summer SAD, or reverse seasonal affective disorder as it’s referred to by therapists, isn’t as widely known and therefor can be left undiagnosed or not taken as seriously by the general public. People tend to have less sympathy for people experiencing summer SAD symptoms because they just don’t understand. The sun is out and you’re supposed to feel good and have fun! That’s the general consensus when it comes to summer and because of that belief summer SAD sufferers may feel even worse than their winter SAD counterparts. It’s not fun feeling down and uncomfortable when you and everyone else thinks you’re supposed have high spirits.
Here are the symptoms that you may be experiencing if you suffer from Summer SAD. They typically start out mild at the beginning of the season and become more severe as the summer months roll on.
If you think that you suffer from summer SAD you may want to seek out a therapist to figure out the best way to cope. Otherwise, you can try to manage it on your own. Here are a few tips:
Again, if you feel overwhelmed and helpless or powerless about it all you should make an appointment with a therapist or a doctor. There’s a bunch of other things you can do in order to combat the symptoms. Medication may even be an option for you if it’s severe enough.
If you are one of the very unlucky people that suffers from both winter SAD and summer SAD than I don’t know what to tell you. Sorry? Try living under the sea? Maybe an apartment on the moon?
Tags: mood and feelings
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