Licensed Professional Counselor
Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is a bilateral eye movement therapy that utilizes memory reconsolidation and voluntary image replacement to help us get unstuck and expand.. Most people require 1-5 sessions to process specific events. This is not an ongoing treatment; these are integration and expansion sessions. Many folks come in to do a few ART sessions while working with another long-term therapist.
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ART uses the brain’s natural ability to reprocess distressing images and sensations of suffering. With guided eye movements & visualization, ART rewires experience so we keep the facts but lose the pain. This gentle, effective approach requires no homework, no processing between sessions, & no need to verbalize trauma! Lasting relief occurs in an average of 1-5 sessions and the process is safe, grounding, empowering, and even fun. Clients are bewildered by immense change with so little effort.
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CPDT, HART, life coach
I work with crystals and their energies to help create and amplify personal healing and intentions.
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You don’t need to relive painful memories repeatedly. As a Master ART therapist, I guide you through reprocessing issues and memories without detailing every aspect. You'll keep the valuable insights but leave behind the distressing images and negative sensations.
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Accelerated resolution therapy, or ART, is a type of therapy using techniques such as rapid eye movement and image replacement, this approach works to recondition stressful memories, changing how they are stored in the brain to improve overall mental health. ART is helpful when you have stress-inducing memories or future fears.
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