
The U.S. immigrant population faces a unique set of challenges. Every experience is different and there can be a number of factors that impede or facilitate your adjustment in your new home. You may have experienced trauma on your journey or in your country of origin that can have a lasting effect on your health and happiness. Or perhaps you are having trouble connecting with your new community or are worried about the recent growing controversy about immigration policies. Whatever your experience, a qualified mental health professional can help you understand how immigration is impacting your life and provide you with useful tools for your challenges.

Local experts in Immigration/Acculturation

Joaquin Lopez (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Drawing from my experience and identity as a Mexican American person, I understand the nuanced experience of code switching and managing family and social dynamics that come with being bicultural and bilingual (Spanish/English) in a mainstream dominant culture. Immigration issues create additional barriers that affect familial and social interactions.

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Liz Ortland (she/her)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Moving to a new place can turn life upside down! Big shifts in environment can upend our support systems and make our usual ways of coping harder to access. Language and cultural barriers can be a background stress that drastically impacts our overall sense of well-being. As a fellow traveler who has experienced adjusting to a new place, I aim to help you find your footing, develop supports and a sense of belonging, and process difficult experiences in a safe and understanding space.

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Arielle Ross (they/them)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I was raised as a Third Culture Kid, which for me means we followed my dad's job around the world, mostly in East Africa & Asia, from when I was 4 until I came to the US for college at 18. My first therapist job was working with refugees from Iraq, Eritrea & Burma. I want to support my fellow immigrants, the children of immigrants & other globally mobile folks heal from the trauma of moving, re-center their values, & figure out how to live authentically in this new culture.

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Art Chaklader (He/Him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


As an immigrant to the U.S. myself, I have had a lifelong experience of acculturation. Changing one's culture, or attempting to fit it into another touches each aspect of one's life. In doing so, it can rock your identity as a whole. Please consider setting up a consultation appointment, to receive some professional support on this journey.

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Katherine Alexander (She / Her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate


Are you preparing to go work and live in a new culture? Are you returning from another? Needing to process the challenges unique to your experience? Let's talk.

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