Nonviolent Communication

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is a method of communication developed by Marshall Rosenberg, Ph.D. NVC is founded on the belief that if individuals can recognize and express their own needs, as well as the needs of others, conflicts can be resolved. Often used in couples counseling, NVC helps people to settle disagreements and resolve their differences. NVC places a strong emphasis on fostering compassion, empathy and honesty and focuses on facilitating peaceful dialogue between disputing parties.

Local experts in Nonviolent Communication

Dasia Star (she/they)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Master of Arts in Marriage, Couple, and Family Therapy

When we discover and learn to honor our needs, we are able to bring more authenticity into our relationships. When we discover the needs of our partners, we are able to be in true collaboration with them. I will use tools from NVC in order to support you in finding your relational autonomy, communicating your needs, and learning how to collaborate around your stuck points.

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Martha Blake, MBA, NCPsyA

Clinical Psychologist

Psychologist, Jungian Analyst

Compassionate (Non-Violent) Communication identifies feelings and needs, reduces negative thoughts about others, invites empathy, and increases self-agency. NVC directly and immediately empowers the speaker.

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Karla Wolf, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor

Certified Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapist. Providing evidence based, trauma informed therapy (with a social justice lens) to individual adults & couples

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) teaches us how to use compassion to access our own feelings & needs & how to communicate with others in an effective way so that everyone's needs can get met. It is a perfect model for those looking to improve their relationships with themselves & others. I trained with NVC's founder, Marshall Rosenburg, & I have over 20 years practicing & utilizing NVC with couples & individuals. I continue to deepen my NVC practice & learning by attending an NVC group for myself.

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Lolo Halman (he/him)

Professional Counselor

M.A., Diploma of Process Work

I use nonviolent communication (NVC) as a tool for helping those who are new to awareness-based communication methods, sharing their emotions and needs, or as a first step in beginning to build one's capacity for more authentic communication. I see NVC as a stepping stone for many looking to deepen their communication with partners, friends, and others.

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Jennifer Crawford (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Non-violent communication is an excellent tool for improving communication skills, de-escalating people who are activated, and parenting. I have used and taught non-violent communication for 10-plus years. NVC teaches us to get to the underlying issues behind difficult communication in a respectful and connected way.

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Carol-Joy Brendlinger

Qualified Mental Health Professional

Over the past years, I have worked with non-violent communication to help clients build skills in understanding and owning their feelings and knowing how to best communicate with others in times of conflict.

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Rachel McEwen, LPC (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Katelyn Bessette (she/her)

Licensed Professional Counselor


I believe deeply in the power of communication and use Nonviolent Communication as the base of much of the couples work that I do.

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Lorraine Storm

Licensed Professional Counselor

Nonviolent Communication is an excellent tool to learn what your own feelings and needs are, as well as how to express them to others in a way that opens the conversation and increases understanding, rather than creating or perpetuating a conflict where each party is trying to 'win.' This will help you develop more compassion for yourself and others, and deepen meaningful connections with others

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Tanna TenHoopen Dolinsky

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


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Cherie Thompson (she/her/hers)

Licensed Professional Counselor

NVC is a helpful base to allow us to identify feelings and needs. THIS increased awareness can benefit our relationships with ourselves, our day to day relationships, and our views of society in general.

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Aaron Good (he/him/his)

Licensed Professional Counselor


Nonviolent communication is a skill I teach both individually and in a group. I utilize and teach its core skills of nonjudgmental observation and taking ownership of feelings without blame in my work with clients.

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Janean VeDova (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Trained Supervisor

I have been trained in conflict resolution and mediation. I hold a BA in Peace and Conflict. Miscommunication is at the root of conflict. I can guide better communication and help resolve conflict you are experiencing in your life.

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Anthony Marchant

Licensed Professional Counselor

I have over 20 years of experience teaching and practicing NVC and hundreds of hours of training. NVC is s core component of my approach and practice.

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