Family Therapy

Family therapy, as the name implies, is a type of therapy that works with families to cultivate positive change and development. While small disagreements are a given in any family, constant conflict can have lasting negative consequences. Serious conflicts can arise from a variety of different sources including substance abuse, financial problems, mental illness, marital problems, the birth of a child, child rearing, parent and child problems, a job change or a big move. A mental health professional specializing in family therapy can help to find peaceful solutions to family conflicts. If your family is facing a situation that is causing stress or anger, or if you need help developing better ways of communicating, family therapy can be very valuable and, ultimately, bring you closer together.

Local experts in Family Therapy

Kristin Marshall (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

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Jeremy Manalis (he/him)

Licensed Professional Counselor


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Brooke Lytz (Vaille) (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

Marriage and Family Therapist Registered Associate #R9241

I am Level 1 Certified in Restoration Therapy (RT). RT is a model based on attachment, family dynamics, and mindfulness to help families identify ways in which they get "stuck" and how to form more loving and trustworthy ways of being and communicating.

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Dr. Michelle Pliske (She/Her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


Family therapy includes every member of the family. My role is to find opportunities through creativity for every member to have a voice and to feel included regardless of age. Each family member holds a different role and perspective and should be a part of the therapy process.

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Couples Clinic of Portland

Licensed Professional Counselor

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Justin Little (he/him/his)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


I work with individuals, couples and families to understand and improve relationships. This can be with an adult client's family of origin as they work through anxiety or depression, a couple wanting to improve their communication, a teenager and their caregiver struggling to find common ground, a parent seeking to work through their own traumatic experiences in order to improve their relationships, and many more!

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Andrew Drwenski

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


I was fortunate to accumulate licensure hours under a supervisor using Structural Family Therapy issues by identify and addressing the interactions between family members (including couples).

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Dr. Katie Statman-Weil (she/her)

Licensed Clinical Social Worker


As a therapist working with families of children who have experienced trauma, including foster and adoptive families, family therapy allows me to engage all family members in the healing process, addressing dynamics that influence a child's sense of self and behavior. By fostering open communication, we create a safe space for everyone to express their feelings and perspectives. This not only strengthens relationships but also empowers families to develop effective strategies together.

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Blossom Counseling

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


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Autumn Counseling Services LLC

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

We have a provider who offers family therapy sessions. This can help children and parents learn skills to improve their relationships and build skills for any difficulties that may be occurring at home or school.

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Jaxon Shaffer (they/them)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


My training at Lewis and Clark Graduate School was grounded in family therapy through a social justice lens. I work with couples, families and individuals from a relational framework, this means seeing a person as a culmination of the relationships and social systems that they are and have been a part of. I consider family of origin, dysfunctional cycles, self in the context of a family unit, attachment development, intersecting identities, diagnosis (if desired), and much more.

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Family Roots Therapy

Licensed Professional Counselor

Our therapists have a variety of backgrounds in engaging families in treatment. Specialized training in using Structural Family Therapy, Child-Parent Psychotherapy, and other relationship-based approaches allow our therapists to confidently treat the entire family and manage conflict within families.

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Family Ties Counseling Center

Licensed Professional Counselor

Family systems sees your presented marital, family or even child\\'s problems as the outgrowth of the underlying relationship dynamics. This is illuminating because family systems avoids blaming or diagnosing any one person as THE problem. As you are probably well aware of, there is already too much blaming already going in the first place.

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Erin Webb

Licensed Art Therapist


The Collaborative Problem Solving approach, that I use when working with families, is an evidence-based method for decreasing stressful family interactions by teaching youth the skills needed to meet expectations. Engaging your teen in Collaborative Problem Solving discussions will help them open up, consider the perspective of others and increase their problem solving and thinking skills.

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Brettyn Gibson

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist


Research has shown that motivated parents can be trained to be as effective as play therapists using play therapy skills with their own children, with as little as 20 hours of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy training and and support.

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Jillyan Medina (she/her)

Marriage and Family Therapist Associate

MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate

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Clinical Psychologist

Family therapy can be a powerful intervention - especially for those with a loved one suffering from mental illness. Several studies, for instance, have indicated that family environment can significantly impact the course and outcome of mood and psychotic disorders. At THRIVE, we practice Family-Focused Therapy, an evidence-based therapy for teens and adults struggling with mood disorders.

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Janean VeDova (she/her/hers)

Licensed Marriage Family Therapist

Trained Supervisor

As a marriage couple and family therapist I am trained in family systems. Families are unique, how they are configured, family rules and expectations, family roles and family of origin. Each family goes through family life cycles. I approach family therapy systemically and consider all the systems and relationships the family is involved in.

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