There is no single, agreed upon definition of spirituality and it means something different to nearly everyone. For some, spirituality refers to the beliefs associated with religion, organized or otherwise. Others look at spirituality as the search to understand the meaning of life or achieve inner peace, enlightenment or contentment. Exploring what spirituality means to you may provide stress relief, help you develop a deeper, more grounded sense of self, and help you to feel more connected to those around you.
Marriage and Family Therapist Associate
Mind, body, spirit, relationship—to our selves, to one another, to our environments, No good therapy will ever ignore your entirety. We are complex beings that require multiple elements for survival. Neglect in one area often leads to imbalance in others. Reallign with your sense of purpose by honoring your whole self.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
Spirituality is often the component most often neglected in our modern lives. Though it can have many expressions , its absence of expression can often be the root of our own disquiet and dissatisfaction. Spiritual work is hard work, and we will often avoid to engage in more immediately gratifying activities. Therapy can help create your own spiritual identify and clear away blocks to practice.
View ProfileClinical Psychologist
PhD; Psychologist Licensed in OR and CA
-2 and 1/2 years living and training full-time at a Zen Buddhist monastery -Certification in Depth Hypnosis (a healing methodology that combines transpersonal psychology, shamanism, and Buddhist philosophy -Certification as a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide (therapeutic practice that explores relationship with self, others, and the more than human world, incorporating Zen Buddhist philosophy)
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Spiritual abuse recovery, cult recovery and exiting support, faith building and exploration.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Supervision in issues related to healthy spiritual relationship and exploration therein.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
I have lived experience healing from religious trauma and the impact of purity culture, the grief of faith deconstruction, and the relational dynamics that go along with a significant faith transition. Additionally, I have sought out additional training to support my work with folks who are interested in navigating religious trauma, the complexity of relationships with family or friends following deconstruction, or who or simply wanting more depth and to explore their evolving beliefs
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Modern society has stripped away spirituality and sold it back to us in wellness trends and self-help fads. I believe human spirituality can't be fully narrowed down or defined, but I do think it is reflective of how a person understands themselves through community. Capitalism and neoliberalism have eroded our sense of community and I want to help restore it by starting with you.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
For many of us in the West spirituality is missing from our lives. Let's work together to uncover what fills your cup.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
LPC, CADC3, Approved Clinical Supervisor
I have a master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology. I am certified as a Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapist. I often utilize the Enneagram in my work with clients. I enjoy working with clients who have experienced religious harm. I also enjoy working with clients who want to use spiritual resources to further personal growth.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
◦ For folks who want to heal, reclaim, or restore their relationship with spirituality ◦ Experiential approaches to encountering Life Force Energy aka Self Energy ◦ LGBTQ+ identities in the context of spiritual development ◦ Utilization of somatic & parts work ◦ 12 Step recovery friendly ◦ Welcoming of religious, agnostic, polytheistic and atheistic views
View ProfileSomatic Practitioner
I assist individuals in develop personal spiritual practices using reiki, mindfulness, active imagination (or journeying) meditation and yoga to help you feel more centered, grounded and have a personal relationship with the spirit world, including your own spirit team and higher self. The neuroscience research on these practices shows that they also decrease mental health symptoms, as well as providing many benefits for physical health.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
If you are drawn or connected to non-mainstream spiritualities, you will find me to be educated, understanding, and engaged. I regularly incorporate spiritual practice into my work, always in a collaborate and creative process with my client. This can include divination, sigil magic, visualization, ritual, dream work, and discussion of mythology and philosophy.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
Religion & spirituality are potentially helpful or harmful, sources of distress or sustenance. They can restrict us or foster resilience. Broad and open, religion/spirituality can nurture value and connection to other beings and a greater power; narrow and rigid, it can induce anxiety and shame. Interventions will develop internal and external support systems, explore beliefs that induce suffering, enhance joyful feeling, or strengthen social connection. I am versed in Psychedelic Integration.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
My background in transpersonal psychology and psychedelic research informs a holistic approach that honors the spiritual dimensions of healing and transformation. I support clients in exploring questions of meaning, purpose, and connection through traditional and non-ordinary states of consciousness. While maintaining respect for diverse belief systems, I help clients integrate profound experiences into their understanding of themselves and their place in the world.
View ProfileHypnotherapist
Spirituality has become somewhat of a funny and very vague word. The way I interpret it is simply the capacity to look within. It is seeing something beyond or deeper, yet right here. I am here to help one see what has simply been overlooked.
View ProfileClinical Psychologist
If your spirituality feels misaligned but you're not ready to abandon the quest for meaning, let's work together to redefine it. Whether it's traditions, practices, beliefs, or experiences that no longer serve you, we can explore and recreate a spiritual path that resonates deeply with your current journey, empowering you to embrace a fulfilling and authentic spiritual life.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
I specialize in working with client who are rebuilding their faith or trying to decide who they are without their faith
View ProfileHypnotherapist
Your spiritual path is as unique as you are, often layered with questions, longing, & moments of uncertainty. Whether you’re seeking deeper connection, clarity, or guidance, I am here to support you in navigating your journey. Together, we’ll explore practices that reconnect you with your inner knowing & align your life with the callings of your soul.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
Spiritual wellness is an important part of psychological and emotional wellness. A simple definition of spirituality is a sense of connection to something greater than the Self. Research shows that having spiritual beliefs can support mental and emotional wellness, as well as physical health. I will support you in integrating your own unique spirituality into your daily life for a greater sense of wholeness and alignment.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
Psychedelic medicines can open us to areas of our psyche which we had previously not faced- often called our "shadow." Based on years of academic research, traditional training, and personal experience, I specialize in clients working with psychedelics to discovery deeper parts of themselves and grow into more complete, healed human beings. However, I do not currently offer psychedelic-assisted therapy in the US at this time. Please do not contact me about obtaining psychedelic medicines.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
As an ex-evangelical queer person, I've experienced first-hand what it's like to deny who you are for your faith and community. While my experiences and knowledge are rooted in the Christian faith, folks of other faiths have had similar experiences and I recognize the need in our field to help clients work through issues of faith and spirituality.
View ProfileLicensed Marriage Family Therapist
My personal journey has led to numerous spiritual and meditative retreats and healing environments. I have over a decade of experience working with individuals and couples utilizing the methods of Depth Psychotherapy. My approach encourages interaction with one's inner world. The rich tapestry of imagination, inner worlds, and dreams serves as a transformative vehicle, guiding individuals through the intricate landscape of the psyche.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
Masters In Counseling
Spirituality, psychedelics, and ceremonial work have been foundational in my own healing and awakening process. Through these experiences, I’ve learned the importance of having a guide or support as we explore our relationship with ourselves, spirituality, and our core beliefs. I love supporting clients who are eager to explore or deepen their connection with the mystery—whether through prayer, psychedelics, breathwork, or religious community.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
Behavioral Health Office
Spirituality plays a significant role in mental health by providing individuals with a sense of purpose, connection, and inner peace. It can offer comfort during times of stress, trauma, and uncertainty, and can be a powerful tool for coping with mental health challenges. For Black, Latino, & Native clients, it often serves as a source of strength and resilience where many individuals turn to spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, and communal worship to find solace and support.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
B.S.,M.A., PCA, Y.T., M.T.
I have many years of experience working with people who are exploring their spirituality especially if you were raised in a strict organized religion that stifled your personal growth.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
We are far more vast, complex and beautiful than our human minds can fathom. In my decades of working with people, I have found that a spiritual foundation based in curiosity and reverence allow for deeper healing and transformation. As we meet the mystery of our existence, and call in an awareness of something Higher, our lives expand in beauty, patience, understanding and greater peace.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
Transpersonal therapy is a holistic approach that goes beyond traditional psychological perspectives to explore the spiritual and transcendent aspects of human experience. We focus not only on addressing immediate concerns but also on uncovering deeper layers of consciousness and personal growth. This therapy emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, encouraging clients to explore their inner wisdom by integrating practices such as meditation and visualizalization.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
I grew up deep in the bible belt and spent decades grieving, evaluating, de-constructing, and eventually meeting with compassion a faith housed within a nuanced religious system. This lived experience continues to inform my own care for supporting others who have been impacted by Christianity, are seeking to more fully understand their own beliefs, or who simply want someone to walk beside them who understands and can honor and hold the complexities and culture of their faith experience.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
I grew up in Salt Lake City, Utah and was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormonism). I recognize as an adult that this was a fairly unique culture to have experienced and can see the ways it influenced who I am today, for better or worse. I am interested in helping others find their way to happiness and comfort, within The Church or without, while remaining a vocal advocate for change within the organization in regards to racial, gender and LGBTQIA+ policies.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Have you had spiritual, psychedelic, or hallucinatory experiences, yet you struggle to weave them together in your life? I can help! Somatics, contemplative practice, psychedelic integration, experiential, humanistic, and transpersonal psychology have a lot to offer around these sorts of things. There's room for all kinds of meaningful experiences in our human journey. I'd be happy to help you make meaning and integrate your spiritual experiences with your everyday life.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Rather than see you through a framework of pathology or mental illness, in need of treatment or problem-solving, I see you as a human who has lost touch with their spiritual being and is feeling the anguish, isolation, and helplessness that comes from that disconnect. I will guide you to create room to listen and attune to the deeper truths of who you are, who you have always been.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
"Spirituality" hits at the core of the self, and can inspire everything from dread, shame, to joy and belonging. When this area is wounded, it is that much heavier and more difficult to ask for help. In this area, I have extensive training, background, and experience. My hope in that is to help you articulate the pain, the loss, the joys, the meaning, identity, and everything that is 'touched' by spirituality, in order that you may experience progress towards health and healing.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
MA, Professional Counselor Associate
I see the relationship to Spirit—the animating force of the universe—as a potent factor in therapeutic work. I embrace that each client comes with a different cosmology, personal religious history, and a plethora of spiritual experiences. Or someone might not have had any at all and wants to. I support clients in nurturing this vital connection and help in fostering relationship with the spiritual dimension. Exploring this area together often leads to moments of deep, personal healing.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
MA, Marriage & Family Therapist Associate
Sometimes, we find ourselves lost in the universe. Maybe we have lost touch with our spirituality after spiritual abuse, but are still longing for a connection to something greater. Maybe we are unpacking old, limiting, or oppressive beliefs from our religious, spiritual, political, or community groups, and are unsure of where to find our authentic intuition, spirituality, and integrity. I work to support clients in building an authentic connection to what is true for them, without shame.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Spirituality - a loaded topic for many of us! I hold utmost respect for those who, for any reason, do not want religion or even spirituality to be a part of their therapy. I hold a gentle invitation to explore for those who are unsure, perhaps after leaving religion, what spirituality might look like for them. I see spirituality as the mystical part of us that needs to find the "Why", whatever that means for you - as well as the essence that connects us all to one another.
View ProfileLicensed Marriage Family Therapist
LMFT T1554
I am particularly enjoying working with people who are approaching or have had an initial non-dual or "no-self" realization, in order to integrate their new awareness and do deeper shadow work. If you are just at the beginning of asking bigger questions about existence, are in recovery and deepening your relationship to Higher Power, or have a history of religious trauma, I also have a great deal of experience and enjoy supporting people around these issues.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Your Soul is Calling. Soul work is all about empowerment. It’s about deciding to move in a direction that honors what you truly want for yourself, not what your family or society believe is best for you. Our culture has worked hard to have a powerful hold on us and it takes courage to take a look at ourselves and our lives to see if we are leading it, or if others are doing it for us.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
LMHC, LH61499938
Perhaps you’re going through a faith change or deconstructing the belief systems you grew up in. Maybe you’ve recently left a religious community or are in the process of trying to decide whether or not to stay. Going through a major shift can reach far beyond where and how you choose to engage with spirituality; it can impact relationships with family and friends, your identity, even your vocation. We can create a place that’s safe for you to explore questions, doubts, and religious trauma.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
There is a divine spark in all things. Each has its own purpose, plan, and destiny. In trusting this truth and respecting the interconnection of all things we recognize our own spiritual selves within the greater whole. From this concept we can begin to recognize our own spiritual power and utilize it to evolve, grow, and celebrate our lives.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
I'm open, are you? This is an ideal place to ask questions. Verbalize doubts. Heal from past experiences and find a new way forward.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
MA. Practicing Counselor Associate #R8395
My background working as a chaplain in university and high school offered me firsthand experience of both the beauty and pain religion can bring. Working as a chaplain prior to becoming a therapist, prepared me to work with clients navigating healing from religious harm and high control religions, and perhaps deconstructing beliefs, and burdens acquired in those spaces that they are ready to unpack and heal from.
View ProfileClinical Psychologist Resident
My doctoral training program specialized in the integration of spirituality and psychology. I have experience and training in working with a variety of religious backgrounds, spiritual, trauma, and questions about deconstruction or spiritual identity. I draw from evidence based practice while also allowing for the mystery of the soul to exist within the therapeutic encounter.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
M.A. Clinical Mental Health Counseling
I lived at trained at Great Vow Zen Buddhist Monastery for 2 years, and I bring a strong flavor of mindfulness and present-moment inquiry into my sessions with clients. When so desired, I can work with clients according to the philosophy of Buddhism, including no-mind, the causes and conditions of suffering, and cultivating lovingkindness.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
Professional Counselor Associate
Spirituality can play a large role in a person's life even if they don't engage with formal religion. Your relationship to the unseen world is welcome.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
I have a PhD in Clinical Psychology and Culture. Spirituality is a important cultural component. My dissertation explores spirituality, religion, and substance use problems.
View ProfileStudent Counselor
I counsel clients with diverse religious and spiritual beliefs, guiding them through their identity, values, and sense of belonging. My support extends to individuals firmly rooted in their faith, as well as those who are questioning or dealing with religious or spiritual trauma. I aim to create a safe space for exploration and healing, ensuring that each person's unique journey is respected and valued.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
We live in a society where we have lost the value of believing in a force greater than our human selves. We will explore your history, beliefs, and spiritual goals, including roadblocks and barriers to help you embody your most alive spiritual self.
View ProfileLicensed Clinical Social Worker
For people for whom spirituality is a main focus of their lives, I enjoy incorporating a spiritual perspective into my therapeutic work. I work best with clients who have a non-dualistic spiritual perspective or mystical leanings.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
My faith tradition of origin is Christianity. My spiritual formation has been highly influenced by eastern philosophies, postmodern thought and Orthodox Christianity. I will never preach, or pressure you to change, nor will I ever judge. However I believe that discussing spiritual, or ultimate things, is sometimes crucial to finding purpose and meaning in a chaotic world.
View ProfileMarriage and Family Therapist Associate
I have a background in transpersonal psychology and spiritual studies, and a genuine love and appreciation for the many spiritual traditions of the world. If you are interested in incorporating your spiritual path into our work, let me know, and we can talk about how to bring this into to the therapeutic work we are doing together.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Western culture tends to focus on the material world, not just commercialism, but also on things that we can see and believe to understand. When we step into the unknown and gain greater ease embracing the unknown, our life can open up in unexpected ways. I have an Eastern perspective and often bring in concepts of meditation, yoga, and martial arts into the here and now of one's life.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
I have worked as a hypnotherapist since 2011. Working on this deep level and doing energy work, past-life regression, life between life work, and shamanic journeys has taught me a lot about spirituality. I feel honored to be a safe space for people to bring their metaphysical experiences too and that they can know that they will be heard with an open heart and mind.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
Spirituality is deeply personal, and it can be a powerful tool for healing and growth. I support individuals exploring their spiritual paths, integrating practices that nurture connection to themselves, others, and the world around them. Whether you're deepening your connection to the Earth, seeking alignment with your inner wisdom, or navigating the intersection of spirituality and identity, I provide a supportive, non-judgmental space to explore your unique journey.
View ProfileProfessional Counselor Associate
My expertise in spirituality is rooted in both personal experience and professional training, allowing me to guide clients in integrating their spiritual beliefs into their healing journey. My schooling was at a Christian university and allowed me to study more deeply the literature on spirituality's impact on our lives.
View ProfileLicensed Marriage Family Therapist
MA, MDiv
Having received an MDiv from Fuller Theological Seminary, I have the knowledge and experience to assist you in exploring your own spirituality and faith.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
I have had a lifelong interest in spirituality since I was a child raised as a Presbyterian. After my own crisis of faith in my middle school years, I have pursued knowledge of world religions, and deepened my knowledge of theology and philosophy. I have extensive knowledge of both Christianity and Buddhism, though personally identify as having a secular spirituality. I see ways in which spirituality can be a tremendous help to one's mental health, as well as a cause of stress and trauma.
View ProfileLicensed Professional Counselor
My training is in core Shamanism and Buddhist philosophy. These are principles and practices that can be used to alter perspectives on events leading to personal empowerment rather than feeling trapped in victimization. I also specialize in supporting spiritual awakenings.
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